Start With Why: Waverley Recommends

I loved Start With Why!

I posted about Start With Why once on my instagram and thought I’d do a review–mostly because I think everyone should read this book! I ask all my clients, “Why are you in business?” and “What keeps your creative juices flowing?” and I think too few of us know WHY we’re in business. We know HOW we do business and that’s where we start. But we need to Star with WHY we are in business.

And newsflash it’s not, to make money.

Start With Why by Simon Sinek really came to me at the perfect time. I have just graduated and I’m building this business and it feels like it’s helping me get off in the right foot. I love that it’s aimed towards business and not just generalized but it also can help me in other aspects in life as well.

start with why (3 of 4) start with why (4 of 4)

Star rating: 5/5

Inspiring: 5/5

Motivating: 4/5

Who should read it?: Anyone! Especially if you’re an entrepreneur! But anyone thinking about what to do with their lives would benefit.

Would you read it again?: Yes! I think I read it at the perfect time for me. I just finished school and have been working on being an entrepreneur full time. I think I’d read it again if I get in a slump or I feel lost. I also think I’d read parts of it when needed.

Easy to read?: I think so! Lots of examples and a clear understanding of what he’s explaining.

What’s the gist of the book?: Well put simply by Simon Sinek, people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. It talks about being an inspiration to those around you, and about how having your heart and mind in the right place help to make business better.

How did you hear about it?: I heard about it a fair few times from other entrepreneurs while attending lectures at school. I also had a professor talk to me about it!

So what’s my why?

I help other business owners live their dream lives. I help them by getting their businesses running and building their online presence. This gives them the freedom to do the work they love while I take care of the website and brand.. So they can live the life of their dreams.