Isle of Skye: Day Three Itinerary

Our third day on the Isle of Skye was a bit wetter than the others. Which made us really grateful that we came a day early! We did most of our sightseeing when it was pretty sunny and warm. We made our way down south this day and took it a lot slower than the day before. Which I loved!

When you go further south on the Isle of Skye, it gets a little more foresty and less densely populated. The whole trip we went between listening to Harry Potter (which is set in Scotland, hello dream) and The Martian once we finished Harry Potter! To this day sometimes I still get glimpses into my mind of parts from these books and where we were on the road.

Cuillin Mountains

This teeny house on the base of the Cuillin Mountains stopped me in my tracks. I actually really loved that it was a rainy day. The mountains looked a bit ominous with a friendly little home beckoning you to come nearer.

Sligachan Bridge

This is a really quick stop and it’s close to the Cuillin Mountains as well. The water under the bridge is supposed to have magical properties. I didn’t feel any magic but it was a cool stop and a nice little walk!

Isle of Skye Golf Club

It was pretty wet and boggy, I felt sick, we rented clubs and had crummy conditions, but holy crap, we golfed in Scotland! It was really a dream come true. Dave took it upon himself to find a good place to golf while on our trip (I planned most everything else ;) haha) and some of the best prices were on the Isle of Skye! Dream come true for David!

Fairy Pools

The Fairy Pools are absolutely gorgeous! After golfing Dave’s shoes were absolutely sopping wet. So he wasn’t up for the hike it was going to require, and I wasn’t feeling great, so I only made it about halfway! We were kind of a sorry excuse for explorers sometimes on this trip haha! But it was always worth it and the drone captured some good shots for us, still!

Where we stayed

Finishing our time on the Isle of Skye we wanted to take it easy and stay one more night because our next stop required a bit more driving. So we stayed more south so that when we left the next morning we were closer to the Skye Bridge! We stayed in this Airbnb. There isn’t a ton to see further south on the Isle. There are things to do for sure, but not how it is up north! We got some dinner, I felt obligated to get fish and chips at least once while in Scotland and was feeling up to it! Then walked around a little and got some ice cream too! It was a good and chill night!

To see our road trip itinerary for today, see it here!

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